Linocut is a relief printing process. The image is created by transferring a drawing on to a piece of lino, cutting some away, removing either the negative or positive space of a design. The surface of the lino that remains will be the printable surface when inked up using a roller. There are a few alternative techniques to create a linocut and it is usual to print an edition of numbered prints.

A reduction linocut is where a multicoloured print is created using a single piece of lino, cutting away more of the image after printing each colour, until you are left with the final colour alone, when most of the lino will be cut away.. The print in its entirety (all of the layers) cannot therefore be repeated.

Alternatively, you may choose to work in separate layers, cutting a piece of lino for each colour, printing each using a different colour and overprinting the one before. All of these 'plates' continue to exist, so this method allows re printing to complete an edition (number of prints) or experimentation with colour choices.

A third technique is known as a jigsaw method, where the linocut design is cut into pieces, like a jigsaw, which can be inked separately in different colours and then repositioned as a whole for printing. It is often easier to use a soft lino or vinyl for this technique as they are easier to cut.

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